Present project is intended to create an advanced and fundamental technology and to foster human resources for developing a safe, highly environmentally compatible and innovative aeropropulsion system which is inevitable for the future air transport to be broadly-accepted and to accomplish sustainable growth. Our research activities are as follows:
- Significant improvement in environmental compatibility
(Energy consumption, low emission and noise reduction) - Airframe/engine integration and optimization
(Sophistication of energy management) - Manufacturing technology
The following is a brief introduction of our research activities.
Environmental Compatibility
The research focuses on “controlling the flow” with a use of active and/or passive devices. The aim of the research is to develop an innovative component technology which will accomplish significant reduction of energy consumption, emissions and noise of aircraft engines.
Broadband and self noise in cascades
Aeroelasticity in turbomachinery
- Prediction of transonic fan flutter by Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) simulation
- Evaluation of mistuning effect in fan flutter
Large eddy simulation of compressible flow in turbomachinery
The mechanism of suppressing stall inception of axial compressor by casing treatment
Energy management in aeroengines
This research is a collaborative work with Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).
- Conceptual examination of innovative aeropropulsion system,
- research on fundamental technologies of motor and electrical power supply.
- Research on optimization of energy utilization (More Electric Engine (MEE), More Electric Aircraft(MEA))
Manufacturing technology
Based on the Japan’s competitive technologies in material and manufacturing, the research will seek new materials which may contribute to the future development of aeroengines and its fabrication process. The research will also focus on innovative manufacturing technology.